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  • Lungs in Action
  • In-Person


Lungs in Action Orange is facilitated by Strength for Living. The group classes are focused on helping people with lung and cardiac conditions, maintain or improve their fitness and health. Classes include aerobic exercise and education about lung and cardiac health, to empower participants to understand their condition better and manage their symptoms more effectively. Exercises are tailored to the needs of individual participants.
  • Tuesday 9am (TBC)
  • 1 hour
  • 10-week term (following school holidays)
  • In-Person
  • $220 per 10 week term ($22 per class). Payable prior to or at commencement of each term.


  • Orange Cultural Centre, 22 Sale Street, Orange NSW 2800 (entrance to Woolworths carpark, off Sale Street)
  • Wheelchair and walking-aid friendly (ramp access), parking and bus services close to venue.
Matthew Cordery
Click the map to view the location on Google Maps