What Are The Symptoms Of Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer symptoms can include a new persistent cough, shortness of breath and wheezing, chest pain, a hoarse voice, coughing or spitting up blood, unexplained weight loss, or feeling oddly fatigued for more than three weeks.

Lung cancer symptoms can be vague but it’s important to speak to your doctor as soon as possible if you have a new persistent cough, shortness of breath and wheezing, chest pain, a hoarse voice, you cough or spit up blood, have unexplained weight loss, or feel oddly fatigued for more than three weeks. Survival rates improve dramatically when healthcare professionals can respond to the early signs of lung cancer.

To find out more, or to access life-changing support, connect with the Lung Foundation Australia.

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To find out more or to access life-changing support, connect with Lung Foundation Australia today.

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