Lung Foundation Australia

Real answers about lung cancer from people living with lung cancer

Find hope in every breath

Real answers about lung cancer from people living with lung cancer

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What is Lung Cancer Search & Rescue?

Lung Foundation Australia understands that all Australians living with, and impacted by, lung cancer face unique circumstances that are different for everyone. Whether you have been newly diagnosed, have been living with lung cancer for some time, or you are a loved one of someone living with lung cancer, we know there are always questions you are seeking answers to.

That is why Lung Foundation Australia is launching Lung Cancer Search & Rescue; a new campaign that aims to ensure all Australians looking online for material on lung cancer find the best source of information possible – Australians living with lung cancer themselves who know more than a thing or two about what you are going through.

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There is hope in every breath.

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Book a free telephone appointment with our Lung Cancer Support Nurse or find out how you can help champion policy change and raise awareness and funding for life-changing research and support services.