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    Will you breathe new life into lung research?

    Kylie wasn't meant to live long enough to see the birth of her grandchild. Thanks to research, she's defying the odds. Your gift can fund vital research that gives hope to more families like Kylie’s.

    Donate now
  • Chronic cough_Mobile banner
    Chronic cough_Banner

    Is your cough trying to tell you something?

    When a cough doesn’t go away, this should be investigated with a GP as it may be a sign of an underlying condition.

    Learn more
  • Silicosis Support Services mobile banner
    Silicosis Support Services home banner

    Connect with our Silicosis Support Services

    A diagnosis of silicosis can be overwhelming and isolating. Our new support services for people living with silicosis aims to help people feel informed, supported and connected.

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  • See_the_signs-home-Mobile

    Check your lung health

    Investigate how healthy your lungs are, by taking our interactive Lung Health Checklist.

    Complete the checklist
  • Understanding Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

    Being diagnosed with a rare condition like Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension can be overwhelming and isolating. Access resources and information to live well with PAH.

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    Unveil what you inhale: Vaping truths

    Many young people are unaware of the risks of vaping. To find out the facts about vaping, enrol in this short, interactive eLearning activity to unveil the truth behind what you inhale.

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    Who are we

    What we are up against

    Since 1990, as Australia’s leading lung health body, Lung Foundation Australia has been committed to improving the lives of Australians living with or impacted by lung disease and lung cancer. We enable life-saving research, and champion programs and services to support Australians with lung disease and lung cancer to live their best life.

    • 1 in 3

      Australians has a lung disease

    • 2nd

      leading cause of death

    • 45

      loved ones lost every day

    • Without research, I don’t know where we would be today. He might be a very sick boy, and potentially we could lose him.

      Lauren, mother of Ethan (7) living with bronchiectasis

      Read Ethan's story
    • Research is the line between our reality and our dreams, they call it research, we call it hope. 

      Michel, living with lung cancer

      Read Michel's story