How Do You Prevent Lung Cancer?

While we have no way of knowing who will develop lung cancer, there are certain things you can do to reduce your risk. One of the best things you can do to prevent lung cancer is to avoid smoking.

There are many causes of lung cancer, including occupational risk, environmental factors such as pollution, and genetics.

One of the best things you can do to prevent lung cancer is to avoid smoking; and for those who do smoke, look for ways you can stop. It is never too late to get help. After 10 years of not smoking, your chances of developing lung cancer are halved.1

Maintaining your overall health, including eating a healthy diet and exercise is also likely to reduce your risk of cancer.1

  1. Healthdirect. Lung cancer prevention. Available at: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/lung-cancer#prevented. Accessed April 2020.

How do you prevent lung cancer? Well, as someone living with lung cancer, I really wish I knew the answer to that question. When I was diagnosed with lung cancer, it was found accidentally. I had no symptoms. Something else, some other medical condition, was being investigated. And in fact, I’ve been a long-distance runner all my life, so I thought I had mighty fine lungs. So, it was a complete surprise. When people heard that I’d been diagnosed with lung cancer, they assumed that maybe I’d been a smoker in a previous life or was still a smoker. But in my case, I have never been a smoker. So, anyone can get lung cancer.

Now the doctors tell us that it’s environmental factors or things that we’re exposed to at work, pollution, or maybe genetics that cause cancer. But there are some things we can do to help reduce our risk of contracting cancer. And one of these things is to avoid smoking. And so, if you are a smoker, please try to stop.

Now I appreciate this is not easy, but it’s never too late to get help because the statistics say that if you do stop smoking, your chance of contracting lung cancer is reduced by half, which for someone like me, who’s living with lung cancer, I just hope that nobody else does. So, if you can give up smoking, why wouldn’t you? The other things we can do is perhaps exercise and eat healthfully. Just trying to keep ourselves in better shape is going to help to reduce, so the doctors tell us, our risk of all cancers. Hope that helps. Lung Cancer Search and Rescue. Hope in every breath.

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