How Does Smoking Cause Lung Cancer?

While smoking isn’t the only cause of lung cancer, you are at much greater risk of lung cancer if you are a current or past smoker. When you smoke, the cancer-causing substances in cigarettes, called carcinogens, begin to change the tissue in your lungs almost immediately. Over time, the cells become too damaged and can eventually develop into cancerous cells.

At first, your body might be able to repair the damage, but over time, the cells become too damaged and can eventually develop into cancerous cells.

The best thing you can do is to avoid smoking. And for those who do smoke, look for ways you can stop. It is never too late to quit smoking. After 10 years of not smoking, your chances of developing lung cancer are halved.1

Unfortunately, despite smoking being the main cause of many other cancers and chronic illnesses, lung cancer and lung disease are unfairly stigmatised by their link to smoking. At the end of the day, whether a person who has lung cancer has smoked or not is unimportant. Every person deserves the same level of care, empathy, and support. Lung Foundation Australia is working hard to change the conversation around lung cancer and lung disease to make this a reality.

  1. Mayo Clinic. How smoking causes lung cancer. Available at: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lung-cancer/symptoms-causes/syc-20374620. Accessed April 2020.

How does smoking cause lung cancer? I don’t know, but I know that when I was diagnosed, the oncologist said to me, “It’s from smoking.” And I’m just like, “Oh man.” So that was the day I gave up. I haven’t touched a smoke since January 27 2007, so thirteen and a half years. Do I think it made a difference to my treatment? Yes, I do. Do I think by stopping, it’s probably not activated other things that could have gone wrong in my body? Yes, I do. I think it’s beneficial and it has been beneficial for my journey. Your journey is yours, and what you decide to do is entirely up to you. And they’re your choices.

But we’ve got the information now. When I was smoking, there was no information and the Marlboro Man was the hottest dude around, he was smoking hot. Oh, pardon the pun. But it was good. But now we know what it does, but the choice is yours and you’ve got lots of information, consult with your medical people around you and make those decisions, make it for you and what you want to achieve out of this. Lung Cancer Search and Rescue. Hope in every breath.

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