This Men’s Health Week (June 14-20, 2021) join a lung disease men’s support group to connect with others who understand what you’re going through.
It’s normal for people living with a lung condition to feel isolated – like no one truly understands what you’re going through. The Men’s Better Breathing Club is a virtual support group open to men from across the country living with a lung condition or caring for someone who is.

As a social worker living with a lung condition, the group leader, Greg, knows well the importance of connecting to a community to share experiences.
Diagnosed with bronchiectasis and Pulmonary Fibrosis in December 2020, Greg contacted Lung Foundation Australia for information which led to him setting up lung disease men’s support group.
The group is an opportunity to share information and helpful hints, to talk about self-management and to deal with emotional challenges such as how you and others are feeling about a diagnosis.
“Men talk more about their health problems when they’re on their own, and they can discuss things in a better way,” Greg said.
“Support groups are a great idea for men with any illness.
“Peer support groups work really well. I really advise that people connect with the Men’s Better Breathing Club or another suitable group through Lung Foundation Australia.”
Through Lung Foundation Australia, you can find a range of affiliated support groups, including online support networks such as IPufF (IPF), Positively Amazing Hope (PAH), We Belung Together (carers) and Men’s Better Breathing Club.
The lung disease men’s support group and similar groups for other lung conditions provide a safe and trustworthy environment to connect with people who can relate to how you are feeling. There is no need for referral and it is great way to help combat feelings of isolation, access support and resources and boost your feelings of hope, confidence and self-esteem. The groups are facilitated by volunteer leaders who may be living with, or caring for someone living with, lung disease or lung cancer.
To express interest in joining a support group, such as Men’s Better Breathing Club, follow the link below.

International Men’s Health Week
International Men’s Health Week is celebrated every year in the middle of June (June 14-20, 2021). It is an important opportunity to highlight men’s health and what it means to be healthy. This year’s theme is ‘Connecting for Men’s Health”, which encourages men to connect with health through family and community.
To Learn more about Men’s Health Week and find a local event, follow the link below.