Top fundraisings tips from Lung Foundation Australia will help with your fundraising goals in 2024. Sometimes fundraising can seem daunting, however it doesn’t have to be. Below we have rounded up some practical and fun fundraising tips to help you raise much-needed funds for lung health and research.
Share your story
Sharing why you chose to fundraise for Lung Foundation Australia is a great way to share your passion with your donors. Passion is contagious. People like stories- stories they can relate to. Stories that can inspire.
Sharing your personal story inspires and motivates people to reach into their pocket and help your cause. People like to understand why other people do things. Additionally, you can tell your supporters how their donations can help with lung health.
Sharmila Lakshmanaa shared her story at Shine A Light 2023 in Sydney.
Upload photos
If there is one fundraising tip you take, it should be to ensure you personalise your fundraising page with a photo of yourself. This is quick and effective but can have a huge impact on your donations.
Get #social
An essential fundraising tip is to share your event on social media. Social media is a brilliant way to share with your loved ones about your fundraising efforts.
A hashtag is often a great way to spread the word. Remember to tag us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and X platforms.
Plan effectively
To maximise your fundraising campaign- plan plan plan. Think about what you want to achieve through your goals, and why you are raising money for Lung Foundation Australia. Believe in yourself and why you believe Lung Foundation Australia deserves people to donate their funds.
Furthermore, when planning, it’s important to think about who you are targeting your campaign towards. Think about if your fundraising goals are relatable to all the people you will be asking to donate. Consider the language you use and the tone of voice on your webpage.
Be ambitious
You’ll be amazed at the impact you can make through fundraising. Be ambitious with your goals!
Say thank you
A fundraising tip that is essential; say thank you to your donors. Let me know their donation is appreciated. You can set up an automated message that shares with your supporters how their donation is helping to make a difference through lung health. Additionally, this is a great way to keep your supporters up to date with your goals.
Send reminders
While fundraising we understand you don’t want to go overboard. However, giving your supporters a gentle nudge to remind them to donate to Lung Foundation Australia is perfectly acceptable.
Provide updates
Ensure you keep your friends and family up to date with your fundraising progress. Tell them how you are progressing with your target, what obstacles you may be facing. Tell them what you are enjoying about fundraising.
Have fun
Fundraising is about having fun and sharing your passion with others. Find an event you will enjoy and get involved. You can search for community events in your area. Or in lieu of birthday presents, or anniversary presents, you can create a fundraising page.
Don’t forget about email
While social media is the quickest way to share your fundraising campaign, do not disregard email. During your campaign, you want to connect with everyone. There are some people who are not connected to social media who would love to hear about what you are doing.