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Airway clearance and exercise for Bronchiectasis

July 4 2024 2:00 pm

Event Details

Patient Education, Webinar

  • July 4 2024
  • 2:00 pm
Register now

In honour of World Bronchiectasis Day, we look forward to presenting this webinar on airway clearance and exercise. 

Our mixed panel of both consumers and health professionals will answer key questions from the Bronchiectasis community. Our consumers will be sharing their experiences with exercise or airway clearance in helping to manage their Bronchiectasis symptoms, and our health professional representatives will provide expert guidance and advice on the topic. 

Both pre-submitted and live questions from participants joining the webinar will be answered by the panel. 

Meet our panellists: 

Marie Rogers, NSW (consumer host) 

Marie has been living with Bronchiectasis since 2018. She is a member of Lung Foundation Australia’s Bronchiectasis Consumer Advisory Committee. Marie also volunteers for Red Cross Emergency Services and CWA. 

Joy Cummings, QLD 

Joy, 73, has been living with bronchiectasis since she was 2, and possibly since birth. She started working as a high school teacher but found a germy classroom was not a great environment, so has spent the last 50 years in education research. 

Dr Simone Visser, NSW 

Dr Simone Visser is a Respiratory Staff Specialist at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Senior Clinical Lecturer with The University of Sydney. Her particular interests are bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis and she is the director of the adult multidisciplinary bronchiectasis service at RPA Hospital.

Dr Kathleen Hall, QLD 

Dr Kathleen Hall is a senior clinical respiratory physiotherapist at the Prince Charles Hospital, Senior lecturer and co-ordinator of the cardiorespiratory physiotherapy course at the Australian Catholic University, and she delivers individualised respiratory physiotherapy services for people with Bronchiectasis and Disordered breathing patterns in her private practice.  Kathleen has worked alongside people with chronic lung disease, particularly those with Bronchiectasis, for over three decades. 

Jen Phillips, QLD 

Jen is an APA Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapist and an Assistant Professor of Physiotherapy at Bond University. She also works across both inpatient and outpatient settings supporting people living with bronchiectasis to improve their quality of life. 

When: Thursday 4 July 2024 

Time: 2PM (QLD, NSW, VIC, TAS, ACT), 1:30PM (NT, SA), 12PM (WA)