While there is currently no cure for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), there are things you can do as a health professional to help people with COPD improve their quality of life, increase their capacity for exercise and ultimately, keep well and out of hospital.
Complete this form to gain access to the free training modules, COPD Diagnosis and Early Planning eLearning.
Smoking cessation
Not all people with COPD have a history of smoking. However if your patient is a current smoker, the most important thing they can do to slow the rate of deterioration of their lung function is to quit. Lung Foundation Australia provides evidence-based training and resources to support the implementation of a successful smoking cessation strategy for your patients.
Respiratory Care Nurse
The Respiratory Care Nurse telephone service is available for people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or bronchiectasis. Our skilled nurse can provide guidance on all aspects of your condition according to the management guidelines. Please contact our Information and Support Centre to make a booking with the Respiratory Care Nurse, on the free call number 1800 654 301.
Featured training
Health Professional Conferences & Training,
1. National Health Performance Authority 2015, Healthy Communities: Potentially preventable hospitalisations in 2013–14.