Access virtual learning events on-demand
Cough in Children and Adults
Updated for the first time in more than a decade, the Cough in Children and Adults: Diagnosis, Assessment and Management (CICADA) Guidelines were published in the Medical Journal of Australia in November 2023. Hear from our expert panel on the updated evidence and advice.
World COPD Day 2023: Breathing is Life - Act Earlier
Commemorating World COPD Day 2023, and in alignment with the annual theme of Breathing is Life - Act Earlier, this virtual learning event highlights the need for action in early and accurate COPD risk identification and diagnosis. Hear from our expert panel on the importance of early lung health.
Vaping in the Community
In collaboration with Gippsland PHN, Lung Foundation Australia is pleased to present breaking evidence to support your engagement in meaningful conversation with vape users of all ages. Our expert panel with focus on: emerging evidence, guidelines, practical advice and best-practice care.
Lung health in First Nations children: Early detection of chronic wet cough
This session focuses on the best practice identification and management of chronic wet cough in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, as well as enablers and barriers to better health outcomes for this community with high unmet need. Register now to watch on-demand:
Occupational Lung Disease: Case finding through opportunistic screening
Occupational lung diseases can be difficult to identify and diagnose, often presenting with no symptoms in the early stages. But we can't find what we aren't looking for, and this all starts with one simple question: What do you do for work? Register now to watch on-demand and hear from experts:
Exercise and Long COVID: From evidence to best-practice
Exercise is one of the most effective tools we have in the prevention, management and quality of life improvement in all lung conditions. But what about Long COVID? Hear from expert panel on the evidence, guidelines & considerations for those living with long COVID. Register now to watch on-demand:
Treatable Traits: Breathlessness
Hear from our panel of chronic lung disease and breathlessness experts on the symptoms-based, treatable traits approach to identifying and managing breathlessness. Register now to watch on-demand:
Your Lungs for Life: Domains of lifelong lung health
To mark World COPD Day 2022, we hosted a special three-part event aligned to the theme: Your Lungs for Life. Our panel, including four of Australia’s leading experts in COPD, discussed three critical touchpoints in the lifetime trajectory and more. Register now to watch on-demand:
Smoking cessation and the role of nicotine e-cigarettes: From evidence to practice and prescribing in primary care
Our expert panel including Prof Nick Zwar (Bond/UNSW) and Ms Sally Hetherington (QUIT) discussed the very latest in evidence-based smoking cessation treatments, emerging evidence around the role of nicotine vape products, and much more. Register now to watch on-demand:
The new frontier: Post-acute and long COVID care
Amid the varying degrees of disease COVID-19 severity and recovery observed, research suggests up to one third of people recovered from COVID-19 will encounter some form of enduring symptoms. Register now to watch on-demand:
Past virtual educational events
World COPD Day - Primary Care Webinar
To mark World COPD Day 2020 and the recent launch of the 2020 edition of COPD-X Concise Guide, Lung Foundation Australia hosted a free webinar for health professionals. Topics included: Changes to the COPD Concise Guide and quality improvement activities.
Advanced practice nursing in lung cancer
Extend your clinical knowledge, advance your understanding of the science behind the medicine, and explore professional opportunities alongside your nursing colleagues. Topics include: Mesothelioma and Occupational Lung Disease, and more.
COVID-19 Webinar
Supported by an independent educational grant from Boehringer Ingelheim, presents the COVID-19 webinar series featuring our Chairperson, Professor Christine Jenkins AM. These two, 60-minute live webinars, provide updates on the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia and what we have learned so far.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
Prof Peter Wark summarises the latest COVID-19 vaccine trial data and discusses side effects and practical considerations for healthcare professionals.
The Right Vaccine for the Right Patient
Prof Kristine Macartney (Director of Australian NCIRS and Senior Editor of the Australian Immunisation Handbook) discusses vaccine preventable illness (including COVID-19) in patients with chronic lung disease.
Primary Care Foundations Course in differential diagnosis of breathlessness
This free, foundations course for primary care professionals includes two one-hour sessions on the symptoms-based, treatable traits approach to diagnosis of lung disease and two rare lung disease case presentations to highlight post-diagnosis management.
Managing exacerbations in COPD and bronchiectasis
Respiratory specialists A/Prof Lucy Morgan & Dr Belinda Cochrane, together with Nurse Practitioner in Chronic Disease Management, Mrs. Colleen McGoldrick, address key considerations for primary care health professionals in the diagnosis and management of exacerbations in both COPD & bronchiectasis.
Investigating Symptoms of Lung Cancer: What’s the evidence?
To celebrate the launch of the free eLearning, A Systematic Approach to Symptoms of Lung Cancer, our expert multidisciplinary panel reviewed the latest evidence and clinical recommendations outlined in Cancer Australia’s Investigating Symptoms of Lung cancer: A guide for all health professionals.
Pulmonary rehabilitation in lung disease
Research shows Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) is one of the most effective tools we have to manage chronic lung disease. In this panel session we were joined by experts Prof Jennifer Alison and A/Prof Christian Osadnik to discuss the benefits of PR.