National Immunisation Program (NIP)-funded vaccination
Routine childhood immunisation; eligible people under 20 years of age and refugees/humanitarian entrants of any age who did not receive childhood immunisation; pregnant women
National Immunisation Program (NIP)-funded vaccination and Pertussis-containing vaccines not NIP-funded, but ATAGI-recommended
Breastfeeding women (who didn’t receive a booster during pregnancy); people aged 50 years with their tetanus booster; people aged ≥65 years if more than 10 years since last dose; adults who have not received a pertussis booster in the past 10 years who are healthcare workers, early childhood educators and carers or in close contact with infants; travellers
Read more: Australian Immunisation Handbook – Pertussis
Discuss pneumococcal vaccination with your patients who have COPD, interstitial and fibrotic lung disease, or severe asthma. Don’t wait until they are 70 (or 50 for Indigenous Australians) for the free vaccine. Patients may be willing to pay, and some health insurance policies subsidise the cost.