For Dr Ian Yang, research means a better quality of life for COPD patients and better treatment options for all people living with a lung condition.
What inspired you to undertake this research project?
The health burden of lung problems is enormous, hence we need better approaches to prevention, diagnosis and treatment. My research has looked into genetic and environmental factors in lung conditions, and how they could influence patient outcomes.
Can you outline your research methods and goals?
We aim to better understand how genes and the environment interact to increase the risk and severity of lung conditions.
How do you envision this will impact the health and wellbeing of patients?
Our work will enhance our knowledge of how lung disease develops and progresses, to find better ways of preventing and slowing down respiratory symptoms. Research is so important to help patient outcomes in terms of prevention, diagnosis and treatment right across the board. It is really important to push the boundaries so we can increase our knowledge and help patients.
For Dr Ian Yang, research means patients can spend less time in hospital and more time with families and loved ones.
How important was funding from Lung Foundation Australia for your work?
Incredibly important, it provides essential support for research personnel and project costs to enable the project to proceed. It was a great honour and opportunity to work with Lung Foundation Australia on this collaborative and multidisciplinary project.
What change do you hope to see in the lung disease and lung cancer space by 2030?
We can hope for a better world for our patients with better quality of life and less complications; less time in hospital and more time with their families and loved ones.
Dr Ian Yang hopes that together, we can change the future and give hope for a cure. For him, research means creativity, discovery, collaboration, training and translation.
Research saves lives and gives hope for a cure.
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30 Reasons for Research
In celebration of our 30th anniversary we are highlighting 30 Reasons to donate to life-changing lung disease and lung cancer research. For the millions of Australians impacted by lung disease and lung cancer, research means everything. It can mean more precious moments with loved ones, a chance to experience that next life milestone, and independence to do day-to-day activities that many of us take for granted.
We have asked the patients and carers within our community to share what research means to them. Click here to find out more.