Bronchiectasis has many symptoms in common with other lung diseases. To get the correct treatment, it is important to have an accurate diagnosis. This may include:
Blood tests
Sputum tests (identifies germs present in the mucus)
Chest X-ray
High Resolution CT scan (HRCT) (looks in detail at the lung tissue and airways) – this test is usually needed to confirm a bronchiectasis diagnosis.
The specialist performed a lung function test, and I had bloods and scans taken. The lung function test was poor; no wonder I was so short of breath. The scans showed pus-like cysts in both lungs – the right was completely congested and the left was doing all the work. The lungs also showed considerable scarring. My specialist was brilliant and explained that bronchiectasis was quite common, treatable and could be managed with antibiotics and quality self-care.
Joanne, lives with bronchiectasis.
Respiratory Care Nurse
The Respiratory Care Nurse telephone service is available for people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or bronchiectasis. Our nurse can provide guidance on all aspects of your condition according to the management guidelines. To arrange a free telephone appointment contact the Information and Support Centre on freecall 1800 654 301 or complete the form linked below.
Our Information and Support Centre team are here to assist you with your questions, provide general information and referral to support services. This free and confidential service is available Monday to Friday 8am – 4.30pm (AEST). Call 1800 654 301 or email