Support services

Lung Cancer

When you are first diagnosed with lung cancer and throughout the different phases of your treatment and recovery, it is normal to experience a range of emotions such as fear, sadness, anxiety, anger and frustration. It is helpful to keep communication lines open with your family, carers and healthcare team and discuss how you are feeling. If feelings of sadness or anxiety are ongoing or severe, please talk to anyone in your healthcare team. Lung Foundation Australia offers a range of services and resources to support you and help you improve your wellbeing. Book a call with our team below and learn more about the services on offer.

Lung Cancer Social Work Service

The Lung Cancer Social Work program is a free telephone-based service for people living with lung cancer, and their family and carers. Through the service, our experienced social worker can help you at any point in your diagnosis to navigate the practical and emotional impact of living with lung cancer. The Lung Cancer Social Work service can provide information, support and referral pathways on a range of topics including:

  • Processing a diagnosis
  • Impact on family and relationships
  • Financial and housing assistance
  • Legal issues and processes
  • Coping with progression or recurrence
  • Emotional and mental health support

To arrange a free telephone appointment contact the Information and Support Centre on free call 1800 654 301 (select option 3) or complete the form via the link below.

Project made possible thanks to funding from Initiatives in Lung Cancer Care.

Lung Cancer Specialist Nurse

The Lung Cancer Specialist Nurse provides a free telephone-based service for patients, their families and carers at any stage of their lung cancer journey. The Lung Cancer Specialist Nurse is a highly experienced oncology nurse who can provide evidence-based information regarding diagnosis, treatment, symptom management, well-being in addition to guidance about relevant support services.

The Lung Cancer Specialist Nurse aims to empower patients, their families and carers to work with their healthcare team to make informed choices about the treatment and management of their lung cancer, whilst also addressing their supportive care needs.

To arrange a free telephone appointment contact the Information and Support Centre on free call 1800 654 301 (option 3) or complete the form linked below.

National Lung Cancer Screening Program

Lung Cancer Screening icon

Please visit the National Lung Cancer Screening Program website to learn more about the new screening program coming in July 2025. The NLCSP website provides participants, healthcare providers and other stakeholders with important information about the program, including:

  • Information about why lung screening is important, who is eligible for the program and details about how lung screening will work
  • Details about the implementation of the program and the work underway to ensure an equitable, accessible and culturally safe national lung screening program from July 2025
  • The important role of healthcare providers and support available to ensure the successful delivery of the program
  • The program’s advisory bodies, clinical and jurisdictions, and contacts for the Department.

The website will be regularly updated as design and implementation continues to progress ahead of the launch of the program in July 2025.

Learn more