Being diagnosed with an occupational lung condition can be overwhelming. Our Occupational Lung Disease Support Nurse provides guidance and information to help you get on top of the manage your condition.
The Occupational Lung Disease Support Nurse program is a free telephone-based service for people living with an occupational lung disease or occupational lung cancer, and their family and carers. Through the service, our nurse will discuss your diagnosis and management, including symptom management, in addition to providing guidance about relevant support services. There are many types of occupational lung disease, and each person’s experience and situation may differ based on their type of lung condition and the timing of the diagnosis. Lung Foundation Australia’s Occupational Lung Disease Support Nurse service aims to empower you to work with your healthcare team and arm you with information, support and referral pathways to help you live well with your condition. To arrange a free telephone appointment, please contact the Information and Support Centre on free call 1800 654 301 (option 3) or complete the form.
Explore our Occupational Lung Disease section to know more about the diagnosis and management of these diseases.