Seeking expert advice
Speaking to your GP or healthcare practitioner about your intention to quit smoking will provide you with the opportunity to discuss the proven and safe options and strategies available to help you quit smoking.
Replacing cigarette smoking with an unapproved product that is inhaled into your lungs, like nicotine e-cigarettes, will present an ongoing risk to your lung health. The human lungs are designed to breath in clean air, not toxins and carcinogenic substances of any type.
People may take up nicotine e-cigarettes because they believe these products are “less damaging” than tobacco cigarettes. However, no formal assessment or regulation of nicotine e-cigarettes has been undertaken by the TGA and therefore they cannot be considered a safe or to have less risk than traditional tobacco cigarettes.
The previous ‘safer’ products manufactured since the 1950s by the tobacco industry (i.e. filter, light, low tar cigarettes) have not improved smokers’ health. It also cannot be ignored that nicotine e-cigarettes are primarily manufactured by the tobacco industry.
Proven smoking cessation
If you or someone you know is trying to quit smoking tobacco cigarettes, there are proven, safe and effective methods available to you. Speak to your doctor or a trained Quitline counsellor about strategies to support you on your quit journey including anti-smoking medications and nicotine replacement therapy (sprays, patches, lozenges, chews and gums). Quitting can be tough but seeking support from your healthcare professional will give you the motivation, resources and practical skills you need.
Your GP will discuss with you a range of therapies to assist you to quit. Please note that nicotine e-cigarettes are considered second line therapy by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (the peak body for GPs), which means they should be recommended as a last resort when all other therapies have not been successful.
Helpful links
Tobacco in Australia
A comprehensive review of the major issues in smoking and health in Australia, compiled by the Cancer Council Victoria.
QuitCoach is free and has helped thousands to achieve their goal of becoming a nonsmoker.
Quitline Specialists are trained to listen carefully to you to help meet your needs.