Although mesothelioma can be difficult to treat, it may be possible to keep the disease under control for months or years. Currently, treatment usually includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, or a combination of all three. There are also other management strategies which are designed to slow the progression of mesothelioma and help improve your quality of life. With mesothelioma, it is common to be referred to a lung cancer specialist (i.e. oncologist, radiation oncologist or lung cancer surgeon) or a specialised cancer service to ensure optimal treatment.
Anti-cancer medication which aims to kill cancer cells. The medication is usually given through a drip, but tablets are increasingly used. There are many different combinations of chemotherapy drugs.
Radiotherapy (or radiation therapy)
Uses high-energy targeted radiation to kill cancer cells by targeting their DNA. Radiotherapy is normally done several times per week for a number of weeks. More directed radiotherapy called proton therapy is being investigated for mesothelioma.