Step 1
Be referred to a pulmonary rehabilitation program.
Lungs in Action is a community exercise program that helps people living with a chronic lung disease to maintain the health benefits achieved inpulmonary rehabilitation. Lungs in Action is also suitable for people with heart failure who often experience similar symptoms such as breathlessness, to those with chronic lung conditions.
Lungs in Action classes are run by exercise professionals who have been trained by Lung Foundation Australia to provide exercise training for people with chronic lung and heart conditions.
The classes are flexible and tailored to suit your individual needs, whether you have a mild, moderate, or severe lung disease. Classes include exercises such as walking, upper and lower body strength exercises, balance and stretching. There are also seated options for every exercise making it suitable for people who may be more breathless, require supplemental oxygen or use a walking aid.
Lungs in Action is designed for people with chronic lung conditions, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), bronchiectasis and/or stable heart failure (Class I, II and III). To participate, you need to have completed pulmonary or cardiac rehabilitation within the last 12 months. For more information about rehabilitation, including referral pathways, click here.
To participate in Lungs in Action, you will need a referral from your respiratory or cardiac specialist, rehabilitation physiotherapist or doctor.