Quit smoking
Make your life a smoke-free zone by quitting smoking and/or reducing your exposure to second hand smoke. There are immediate health benefits to quitting smoking at any age. Read more.
Avoid exposure to pollutants
Wear appropriate protective equipment if you work in environments that expose you to the inhalation of dust, gas, fumes or chemicals. Read more.
Prevent infection
Protect yourself from influenza and pneumonia by:
- having the appropriate vaccinations – talk your doctor about what is most appropriate for your age and circumstance. People aged 65 and over are recommended to get a pneumonia vaccination.
- Practice good hand and home hygiene to minimise the spread of germs.
- If you get sick, avoid spreading it and stay home.
Keep healthy
Exercise regularly and have a healthy diet. A good place to start is chatting to your healthcare provider. Small steps can turn into permanent life changes that will benefit the health of you and your family.
Talk to your doctor
See your doctor if you experience shortness of breath or a persistent cough. If you have a lung disease, you can work with your doctor to manage your symptoms and flare-ups.
Be aware of the air
People with lung disease need to pay attention to any warnings regarding the level of pollution in the air, such as wood fire smoke, and take precautions to minimise their exposure. Smoke and pollutants in the air can penetrate deeply into the lungs and irritate the airways causing symptoms of lung diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and asthma to worsen, including wheezing, chest tightness and difficulty breathing.
Check in with your lungs
Take two minutes to complete our online lung health check.
Daily care
Our lungs play an important role in keeping us healthy and well. The fact is, like the rest of our body, our lungs need daily care and attention. Simple things like keeping active, watching your posture and staying hydrated can help keep these vital organs in good condition.
In addition, research shows that regular exercise can help maintain your fitness and wellbeing as well as reduce symptoms of breathlessness to make everyday activities easier.
1US Department of Health and Human Services. The health benefits of smoking cessation. A report of the Surgeon General. DHHS Publication No CDC 90-8416. Rockville, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centres for Disease Control, Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health; 1990. Available from: http://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/NN/B/B/C/T/_/nnbbct.pdf