
Lung Cancer

Being told that you or someone you love has lung cancer can be a very overwhelming and frightening experience. Lung cancer is a very complex disease and the medical information you receive may be confusing and difficult to understand at times. There are also many decisions to be made including treatment at the various stages of the disease as well as emotional and practical concerns. It is important to remember that you are not alone and that you do not have to make this journey by yourself.

What is lung cancer?

Lung cancer is a malignant tumour in the tissue of one or both lungs. A tumour may be found in the bronchi or in the spongy lung tissue. A tumour that starts in the lung is known as a primary lung cancer. Tumours in the lung may also be due to cancer which has spread through the blood from another part of the body such as the breast, bowel, or prostate – these cancers are called lung “secondary” or “metastases”. The following information refers to primary lung cancer.

Like other cancers, lung cancer is the result of the uncontrolled growth and multiplication of cells in the lung(s). Over time, this abnormal cell growth develops into a progressively larger mass which starts to invade functional parts of the lung, affecting breathing, causing pain and symptoms related to the loss of normal lung function. Doctors call this abnormal cluster of cells a “tumour”. These abnormal cells grow and divide uncontrollably and, if left untreated, eventually spread throughout the body.

Your health care team

Each person living with lung cancer has individual needs depending on their symptoms, condition and the severity of their disease. Therefore, it may be important that you see a range of health professionals who are experts in their fields to ensure that you receive the best possible care. This team of health professionals is known as the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT). Understanding the individual roles of the different health professionals is important so you can identify who needs to be a part of your health care team. It is also important to engage with a team you trust and with whom you feel confident talking about your treatments, needs and wishes. Members of your healthcare team may be located across different healthcare settings, including; hospitals, general practitioners, clinics and community health networks. Members of your health care team can include a respiratory physician, medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, surgeon, palliative care physician, lung cancer nurse, social worker, pharmacist, psychologist, physiotherapist, and your General Practitioner (GP).

National Lung Cancer Screening Program

Lung Cancer Screening icon

Please visit the National Lung Cancer Screening Program website to learn more about the new screening program coming in July 2025. The NLCSP website provides participants, healthcare providers and other stakeholders with important information about the program, including:

  • Information about why lung screening is important, who is eligible for the program and details about how lung screening will work
  • Details about the implementation of the program and the work underway to ensure an equitable, accessible and culturally safe national lung screening program from July 2025
  • The important role of healthcare providers and support available to ensure the successful delivery of the program
  • The program’s advisory bodies, clinical and jurisdictions, and contacts for the Department.

The website will be regularly updated as design and implementation continues to progress ahead of the launch of the program in July 2025.

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