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Elizabeth GP Plus Healthcare Centre

  • Pulmonary Rehab
  • In-Person


Pulmonary rehabilitation is the first step in your exercise rehabilitation pathway, providing you with a safe, evidence-based exercise and education program to help manage your condition . Run in a health setting by exercise professionals, the program provides an individual assessment of your exercise capacity and medical history, followed by a tailored training and education program. The program typically runs for 6-8 weeks.
  • Monday 1-2pm, Tuesday 10am-12pm, 11am-1pm (both with education session) & 1-2pm, Wednesday 1-3pm (with education session), Thursday 10-11am, 11am-12pm & 1-2pm
  • 8 weeks
  • In-Person
  • No cost
  • Inpatient referrals from hospital from any health professional, GP referrals, Respiratory Specialist referrals


  • 16 Playford Boulevard, Elizabeth SA 5112
Lien Nguyen / Ivan Lee
  • 08 7485 4000 option 6
  • Health.GPPlusAlliedHealthIntermediateCareService@sa.gov.au
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