LIA Harden is located at The Hard Rock Gym and offers an inclusive environment and referral pathway for you to be the best version of yourself, following pulmonary or cardiac rehabilitation.
LIA Harden offers classes of up to 10 participants. Self-referrals and referrals from healthcare professionals are welcome.
The Hard Rocky Gym also has the Balance Bar Cafe, where there is plenty of time for socialising after class.
LIA Harden offers classes of up to 10 participants. Self-referrals and referrals from healthcare professionals are welcome.
The Hard Rocky Gym also has the Balance Bar Cafe, where there is plenty of time for socialising after class.
Thursdays 10:30am -
1 hour -
10 week term -
In-Person -
$10 per person (casual rate) or $50 per person (10-week term)
Hard Rock Gym, 24 Station Street, Harden NSW 2587 -
Wheelchair and walking aid friendly, ramp access, onsite parking (at front door)

Glenn Stewart