Information on welding, including the role of workers and employees.
Information on welding, including the role of workers and employees.
Information on preventing workplace injuries in mines and quarries.
Guide on understanding the risks of working in mining, including what to do to make the workplace safe.
Guidance note on minimising the risk to health from exposure to wood dust when handling and working with natural and manufactured (fibre-or particle board, like…
Safety alert about arc welding, including background (to safety alert), key considerations and actions required.
Factsheet on airborne contaminants in metalliferous mines, including exposure standards, health risks and elimination and control.
Information on wood products, including effective controls, air monitoring and reducing cancer risk.
Information about hazards in QLD mines, including sources, health effects and control measures.
Information on the health and safety effects of dust.
Information on hazardous dusts, including the importance of particle size, health effects and controls for certain types of dust and dust-generating activities.