Asbestos in NSW
Webpage on asbestos in NSW, including information on identifying asbestos, removal and disposal, safety, health risks and who to contact.
Webpage on asbestos in NSW, including information on identifying asbestos, removal and disposal, safety, health risks and who to contact.
DVD on living with mesothelioma (please note this was filmed in 2012).
Information and support organisation on asbestos.
Booklet on mesothelioma (preview only). Note: to obtain a hardcover version of the book, contact the Asbestos Diseases Society of Australia on 1800 646 690.
Information and support organisation on asbestos.
Guide to understanding mesothelioma, including how it is diagnosed and treated, information and support services available and what to ask your treatment team.
Webpage on workplace cancer and reducing the cancer risks for employers and workers.
Guide for householders and the general public on the key do’s and don’ts for handling asbestos materials.
The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency is responsible for coordinating Australia’s national action for asbestos safety and eradication. Refer to webpage for more information.
Factsheet on silicosis in mining and quarrying in South Australia.