Helpful links
National Guidance for doctors assessing workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica dust
Developed to help GPs identify and assess people at risk of silicosis caused by exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust.
Australia’s emerging occupational health epidemic – silicosis
Information on silicosis, including types, GP’s role in the silicosis epidemic, presenting features, referral for assessment, medical management and psychosocial support.
Health monitoring for registered medical practitioners guide
This guide is for doctors engaged by a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to carry out or supervise health monitoring.
GP education: occupational carcinogen exposure and cancer
Learn about common occupational exposures to cancer causing carcinogens and the processes that will help you, as a health professional, assist a patient in need.
TSANZSRS Education Hub
The Education Hub included a short course on occupational lung disease covering workplace respiratory surveillance, case vignettes and other topics on hazardous agents and disease progression. Register for on-demand access.