National Strategic Action Plan for Lung Conditions
The National Strategic Action Plan for Lung Conditions provides a detailed, person-centred roadmap for addressing one of the most urgent chronic conditions facing Australians.
View moreA lung disease or lung cancer diagnosis can have a significant impact not only physically, but emotionally and some people experience considerable mental health issues. Many people have difficulty participating in social activities and may experience anxious and depressive symptoms and disorders.
People living with COPD, for example, are 10-times more likely to experience panic disorders than the general population, and commonly experience panic attacks [3]. In Australia, 50 per cent of people living with lung cancer experience distress, anxiety and/or depression [3]. Research shows that mental health can have a significant impact on physical wellbeing and therefore worsen quality of life for people living with lung disease and lung cancer [4].
Currently, there are insufficient support services available to provide people with the care and support they need. Lung Foundation Australia offers a range of evidenced-based services, programs and resources to bridge this gap in care for Australians living with lung disease and lung cancer. In particular, our Peer Support program connect people living with lung disease and lung cancer to peers sharing a similar lived experience. Through sharing personal experiences, peer support can help to combat feelings of isolation and boost participants confidence and self-esteem.
Many people living with lung disease or lung cancer experience time away from school or work due to treatment or symptoms and side effects, and their condition may even affect their ability to stay in a job or traditional school setting [3]. A lung condition can be physically debilitating which can make some jobs challenging. For people who have to undergo regular or ongoing treatment, the side effects can greatly impact their physical and emotional wellbeing, making it difficult to sustain regular employment.
There is a substantial financial burden for Australian families who are impacted by a lung condition. In 2008, it was estimated that the individual cost of living with COPD in Australia, including the value of loss of wellness, equalled $82,925 per person, per year [5]. The financial barrier of living with a lung condition can be a significant roadblock for accessing treatment and care.
Through Lung Foundation Australia’s programs, support services and advocacy work with the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, we are working to reduce the financial burden on families and ensure every Australian impacted by lung disease or lung cancer has access to the treatment, care and support they need.
Consumers are at the heart of our advocacy program. Our community stand with us in all advocacy activities: meeting political representatives, participating in campaigns and developing policy positions and submissions for consideration by state, territory and federal governments. To find out more about Lung Foundation Australia’s recent advocacy activities and how you can get involved, follow the link below.
Your donation can help us understand the causes and future treatments of lung disease and lung cancer. Regular giving is our most precious source of revenue. It gives us certainty and continuity in an unpredictable funding environment and provides an independent source of funding.
More than ever, Australians are aware of the need to increase research funding to fight lung disease and lung cancer and give hope to their fellow Australians. Share your story, become a Lung Foundation Australia Ambassador or join workplace giving.
We are proud to partner with philanthropists, companies, trusts and foundations to raise vital funds for lung disease research. We focus on forming personalised connections with donors and supporters to achieve our mission.
Scientific breakthroughs can take years to accomplish. Invest in a future free from lung disease and lung cancer by leaving a bequest or gift as part of your Will. Leaving a bequest is a way of ensuring you can continue to support the causes that are special to you, even after you’re gone.
1 AIHW, Australia’s health 2016 (2016)
2 Australian Bureau of Statistics – Australia’s leading causes of death, (2016)
3 Lung Foundation Australia, National Strategic Action Plan for Lung Conditions (2019)
4 Mental Health Foundation, Physical health and mental health (2016)
5 Access Economics, Economic impact of COPD and cost effective solutions (2008)
6 Lung Foundation Australia, 2017 Lung Foundation Australia Annual Report (2018)
7 Lung Foundation Australia, (2016), Improving outcomes for Australians with lung cancer: A Call to Action
8 Australian Bureau of Statistics – Australia’s leading causes of death (2016)
9 Lung Foundation Australia, Making Lung Cancer A Fair Fight: A Blueprint for Reform (2018)