
We advocate for better public policy and funding that will improve the outcomes for the 1 in 3 Australians who are currently living with a lung disease, and to protect lung health.

We work with consumer advocates, health professionals, researchers, and likeminded organisations to respond to government consultations and inquiries and develop budget requests and election priorities. Our community stand with us in all advocacy activities, including: meeting political representatives, participating in campaigns, and developing policy positions and submissions for consideration by state, territory and federal governments. Together with our advocates, we’ve led significant policy change across a range of lung conditions and risk factors.

Lung Foundation Australia was recognised as the leading lung health charity by being awarded ‘health peak body’ status in 2022. This means the Australian government seeks our evidence-based and impartial advice to inform health policy and program development and support their communication and consultation activities. We remain committed to reducing inequities, improving early detection of lung disease, providing dedicated information and support services, as well as enhancing disease management and research investment. This important work is complemented by our policy efforts to help Australians live long and healthy lives, with policy and advocacy efforts aligned to the National Preventive Health Strategy. To read more on our prevention and early detection work see below.