2022 Federal Election priorities

Stronger lung health

What does your lung health mean to you? More time with family, the chance to keep doing the things you love? 1 in 3 Australians are affected by lung disease or lung cancer and many more are now facing the long-term impacts of COVID-19. We’re calling on the Federal Government to make the lung health of all Australians a priority.

Read our election priorities and make your voice count

Now is the time to invest in lung health. Because strong lung health means a strong Australia. We’re calling on the Federal Government to commit to investing in lung disease and lung health across six priority areas. Watch the video, download our 2022 Australian Election Priorities and join the conversation.

We're calling on the Australian Government to invest in:

Nurse and patient icon

More lung cancer nurses

To provide life-changing support to families impacted by our nation’s most deadly cancer. There are just 12 nurses to support the 20,000 people who have this deadly disease.

Lung Cancer Screening icon

A lung cancer screening program

To change terminal to treatable and save 12,000 lives over the next 10 years.

Tackling tobacco and e-cigarettes

To protect young Australians against the dangers of vaping.

Long-COVID support

To help the hundreds of thousands of Australians who may face long-term health impacts.

Lung disease research

To find better treatments and give hope for a cure for all Australians living with lung disease or lung cancer.

Clean air

To protect our lung health against poor air quality and occupational exposure.

Read more about the priorities

You can help advocate for every Australian to have the right to healthy lungs. Download your copy of the 2022 Australian Federal Election Priorities document here.
Download a copy