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My workplace exposure checklist – A list of points to discuss with your doctor

Working in certain industries, such as construction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing and tunnelling, can increase your risk of breathing in hazardous dusts, (including silica dust), fumes, gases, or vapours. It is important to discuss your workplace and exposures with your doctor. Even if you are not experiencing any symptoms your doctor should be aware of where you work, as it can take a long time for illness to develop.

This checklist is a guide to help you prepare for your appointment to share this important information with your doctor. 

Additional Languages:

Simplified Chinese – 我的工作场所暴露检查表
Vietnamese – Danh sách kiểm tra mức độ tiếp xúc tại nơi làm việc của tôi
Arabic – قائمة بالنقاط التي يجب مناقشتها مع طبيبك
Nepali – मेरो कार्यस्थलमा कार्य सम्पर्क (एक्सपोजर) को चेकलिस्ट
Punjabi – ਮੇਰੀ ਕਾਰਜ ਸਥਾਨ ਐਕਸਪੋਜ਼ਰ ਚੈੱਕਲਿਸਟ
Spanish – Lista de verificación de exposición en mi lugar de trabajo

Occupational History Checklist_Final