Chronic Cough in Adults
The chronic cough in adults fact sheet is for people who may be experiencing a newly onset chronic cough or have been previously undiagnosed. This…
View moreA cough that lasts longer than four weeks is considered a chronic cough in children and should be investigated with a GP.
The most common causes for chronic cough in children often depend on the child’s age.
A chronic cough may occur with other signs or symptoms. The way a cough sounds may indicate the underlying condition. It may sound wet or dry.
Chronic cough is one of the most common symptoms for seeking medical care. It may significantly affect quality of life for patients and can indicate underlying disease.
It is important to recognise that a persistent cough is not normal and should be investigated.
Assessment of chronic cough should be undertaken differently for children and adults requiring a focused history of the chronic cough to elicit any “red flag” cough pointers that may indicate an underlying disease.
Diagnosis and assessment of chronic cough in adults – clinical algorithm: View now
Diagnosis and assessment of chronic cough in children – clinical algorithm : View now
Chronic respiratory disease is prevalent amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, particularly protracted bacterial bronchitis and bronchiectasis which typically present with chronic wet cough.
Targeted education for health professionals working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in providing culturally secure care and the importance of chronic wet cough in children is essential. Our free accredited training focuses on First Nations pediatric lung health and the skills required to effectively engage with First Nations families. It provides the opportunity to learn about respiratory disease prevalent in First Nations children and ways of providing culturally secure care to address the respiratory health of children.
[1] Song WJ, Chang YS, Faruqi S, Kim JY, Kang MG, Kim S, et al. The global epidemiology of chronic cough in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Respir J. 2015;45(5):1479-81.