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Lung cancer stigma and attitudes

Independent surveys conducted by PureProfile for Lung Foundation Australia in 2017 (n=1,003) and 2019 (n=1,010) examined lung cancer understanding and attitudes in nationally-representative samples of…

Cessation of smoking products

Our advocacy efforts in cessation focus on increased funding for, and access to, evidence-based services and products. We promote cessation support to the public and…

Adult Vaccination Survey 2024

Australia’s child vaccination coverage is world-leading. Our adult coverage is not. Vaccination against respiratory infection is vital to protect the lung health of Australians living…

Life with Pulmonary Fibrosis (Arabic)

يوفر كتيب الحياة مع التليف الرئوي (PF)(Life with Pulmonary Fibrosis) معلومات مفصلة لمساعدتك في الحصول على فهم أعمق حول التليف الرئوي (PF)ويغطي المواضيع التالية: التشخيص…

Love your lungs

Show your lungs the love the deserve today. Whether you’re managing a lung condition or simply looking to support your respiratory health, our “Love Your…