Find a service

Find help, support and guidance to manage a range of lung conditions in a way that’s right for you.
Support groups
Meet people with similar experiences and share mutual support to help encourage and guide each other.
  • Who:
    People with a lung condition, their family and carers
  • What:
    A network of support groups across Australia
  • Why:
    Connection with others
  • How:
    In-person and online (free)
One-on-one peer support
Be connected with someone who understand what it is like to live with, or care for someone with, a lung condition.
  • Who:
    People with a lung condition and their carers
  • What:
    Phone calls with someone living with the same condition
  • Why:
    Personalised connection
  • How:
    Telephone (free)
Pulmonary rehabilitation
A specialised exercise and education program that teaches you skills to exercise safely, manage your condition
and improve day-to-day life.
  • Who:
    People with chronic lung disease and breathlessness
  • What:
    6-8 week program led by health professionals
  • Why:
    Improve fitness and gain confidence
  • How:
    In-person, online & home-based options
Lungs in Action
Maintain the health benefits achieved in pulmonary or cardiac rehabilitation and build on the skills you learnt to live well with your condition.
  • Who:
    People with chronic lung or heart disease
  • What:
    Community-based exercise program conducted by exercise professionals
  • Why:
    Improve fitness, independence, and connection to community
  • How:
    In-person and online
Lung Cancer Specialist Nurse (Telehealth Program)
Information and guidance from an experienced nurse about lung cancer diagnosis, treatment and symptom
  • Who:
    People with lung cancer, their family and carers
  • What:
    Telephone-based support from a registered nurse
  • Why:
    Care and support from an expert
  • How:
    Telephone (free)
Lung Cancer Social Work Service
Get support from an experienced social worker to navigate the practical and emotional impact of a lung cancer
diagnosis and beyond.
  • Who:
    People living with lung cancer, their family and carers
  • What:
    Telephone-based support from a social worker
  • Why:
    Access expert information, guidance and referral pathways
  • How:
    Telephone (free)
Respiratory Care Nurse
Guidance and support from an experienced respiratory nurse on all aspects of your condition according to management guidelines.
  • Who:
    People with COPD or bronchiectasis
  • What:
    Telephone-based support from a registered nurse
  • Why:
    Learn how to manage your condition with support from an expert
  • How:
    Telephone (free)
Information and Support Centre - not sure what you're looking for?
Contact our friendly Information and Support Centre team who can connect you with the services and support that will best suit your individual needs and circumstance.

This free and confidential service is available Monday to Friday 8am – 4.30pm (AEST) (excl. public holidays). Please note this service does not offer medical or treatment advice. Freecall 1800 654 301 or enquire online now.
Silicosis Social Worker
Get support from a social worker to navigate the practical and emotional impact of a silicosis diagnosis and beyond.
  • Who:
    People living with silicosis, their family and carers
  • What:
    Telephone-based support from a social worker
  • Why:
    Access information, guidance and referral pathways
  • How:
    Telephone (free)
Silicosis Support Nurse
Information and guidance from a respiratory nurse about silicosis, symptom management and supportive care
  • Who:
    People living with silicosis, their family and carers
  • What:
    Telephone-based support from a registered nurse
  • Why:
    Receive personalised information, support and care from an experienced nurse
  • How:
    Telephone (free)
Occupational lung disease Social worker image
Occupational Lung Disease Social Worker
Get support from a social worker to navigate the practical and emotional impact of an occupational lung disease diagnosis. This includes, but is not limited to, silicosis, asbestosis, coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, occupational Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and mesothelioma.
  • Who:
    People living with an occupational lung disease, their family and carers
  • What:
    Telephone-based support from a social worker
  • Why:
    Access information, guidance and referral pathways
  • How:
    Telephone (free)
OLD support Nurse - Julie
Occupational Lung Disease Support Nurse
Information and guidance from a nurse about occupational lung disease, symptom management and supportive care. This includes, but is not limited to, silicosis, asbestosis, coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, occupational Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and mesothelioma.
  • Who:
    People living with an occupational lung disease, their family and carers
  • What:
    Telephone-based support from a registered nurse
  • Why:
    Receive personalised information, support and care from an experienced nurse
  • How:
    Telephone (free)

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