Living with occupational lung disease (Vietnamese)
Sống chung với bệnh phổi nghề nghiệp Tập sách Tập sách này được thiết kế để giúp quý vị hiểu thêm về các loại bệnh…
Sống chung với bệnh phổi nghề nghiệp Tập sách Tập sách này được thiết kế để giúp quý vị hiểu thêm về các loại bệnh…
与职业性肺病共存 手册 本手册旨在帮助人们进一步了解不同类型的职业性肺病及其常见的诊断和管理方法。本手册还为职业性肺病患者提供了自我照护的相关信息,包括如何保持心理健康。 本手册所涉及的职业性肺病包括: 本手册仅作为一般指南使用,不能取代专业医护人员为您提供的信息。关于您诊断的具体信息,请务必咨询您的医护人员。 索取印刷版手册 如需索取本手册的印刷版,请发电子邮件至,提供您的姓名、邮寄地址和您想要的数量。每人/每机构最多可索取20份。 该项目得到了 Dust Diseases Board(粉尘疾病防治委员会)竞争性拨款的支持。本文所表达的观点仅代表作者本人,不代表 icare 或 Dust Diseases Board(粉尘疾病防治委员会)的观点。 Additional Languages
التعايش مع مرض الرئة المهني تمّ تصميم هذا الكتيِّب لمساعدة الأشخاص على فهم المزيد عن الأنواع المختلفة لأمراض الرئة المهنية، وكيف يتمّ تشخيصها وعلاجها عادة.…
The Cough and breathlessness booklet has been designed to help people living with Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF) understand the causes of cough and breathlessness. The resource…
1 in 3 Australians are affected by lung disease or lung cancer and many more are now facing the long-term impacts of COVID-19. Now is the…
If your work environment is dusty, such as in construction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing or tunnelling, or you are exposed to fumes or gases, you…
This booklet has been designed to help people live well with PF and understand more about managing their condition through non-pharmacological treatments (therapies that are not medicine).
This booklet has been designed to help people living with Pulmonary Fibrosis understand more about the use of oxygen therapy and the different types of oxygen equipment available.
The PAH Patient Charter outlines the standards of holistic care that everyone with PAH should expect to receive.
This booklet contains information for people living with Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF) and their carers including an overview of diagnosis, management and living well.